
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Drawing of Nathan Cont.

Proportions seemed accurate and in this drawing I think I finally began to tackle an idea that Amy had been trying to show me probably from the very start, but perhaps my mind wasn’t picturing what she was saying exactly.  But I began to develop the idea that I could hold my pencil out to mimic the angle I see and see where it goes in correspondence to the rest of the face, does the eye brow continue to curve down and this line could be extended to intersect the corner of the jaw just below the ear?  Hmm, does my drawing have the same correspondence, Eureka!  Another tool to measure my accuracy.   I’ve used small little mental tools like this before, like extending the pencil to check if what I see is the same angle as what I had drawn, or to pay close attention to the negative space as an indicator to what I’m drawing, but this was like unlocking another padlock in my mind, letting me grow just a tiny bit as an artist.   I tool I will cherish henceforward.

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